

Key to our success are our committed, hard-working and inspirational teachers and support staff as well as our dynamic central office team who are experts in SEND and wider educational provision. We are always looking for enthusiastic members to join our teams and become a part of the inclusive and supportive community we have fostered at Flourish Learning Trust.

We encourage our teachers and support staff to continually develop their skills and build their expertise. We, therefore, offer a wide range of exceptional professional development opportunities designed to suit all levels and areas of expertise.

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If you can’t find the role you’re looking for, sign up for job alerts.  We’ll update you when new Flourish opportunities become available     

Privacy Notice

We use your email address for the sole purpose of sending you emails relating to Flourish job roles. The job alert function is automated and your information is only accessible to the Flourish Recruitment team. The job alerts function does not require the job seeker to set up an account. The jobseeker will provide their email address only and define how often they wish to receive job alerts. They will receive an email which contains all live  Flourish jobs and details of how they can remove themselves from the mailing list. Once on the mailing list, individuals will continue to receive emails until they take steps to remove themselves from the automated job alerts.

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